Posts Tagged ‘2010’

Tahoe South Shore Blog 12.30.09

December 30, 2009

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Here’s to snow! Here’s to the season and to 2010, when we hope we can all enjoy an increase in visitation and business. But while we are hopeful we’ve seen the bottom of this slump, the US Travel Association says the days and ways of travel have changed for good.

See this link for more on national tourism trends and news. What it means is that we stay nimble, we focus on the core market and as a destination, we deliver a solid product and in the meantime, we continue our various efforts to reinvent and respond.

Not meaning to look backwards too long, we would like to invite you to review our 2009 LTVA Annual Report. I think it speaks to challenges met, solutions discovered and partnerships strengthened. Which leads me to briefly thank all of our volunteer business leaders who have dedicated many long hours towards the results this report boasts. And, if you’re looking for where we’re headed, it will give you a glimpse. Hang with us and here’s to Lake Tahoe South Shore in 2010!

Carol Chaplin Executive Director
Lake Tahoe Visitors Authority